Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lentil, Carrot, and Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

1 cup dry french green lentils
3-4 cups broth
1 onion, chopped
2-3 carrots sliced (more if you like carrots
2-3 Jerusalem artichokes, sliced
Pinch of saffron
1/2 bunch greens
2 tablespoons yogurt

Chop up your onion in medium-thin pieces. Sauté in oil. Add carrots. When onions are soft, add a pinch of saffron and stir. Add your lentils and Jerusalem artichokes, and broth. Cook covered until lentils are very soft. Salt to taste. Turn the heat very low and use a stick blender for a few five second intervals in the soup to thicken the broth by blending a bit of the lentils and vegetables. Chop the mustard greens and add them, turning the heat off. Stir in a few tablespoons of cream. Salt and pepper as desired.

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